About Sherrie

Sherrie Wehner is a leading business and marketing strategist.

Sherrie Wehner

Sherrie Wehner

Sherrie has developed and launched strategic business plans across a variety of corporate enterprises like Ralston Purina, UPS, Contico, numerous Maritz clients and Arthur J. Gallagher. She’s led several non-profit strategic development initiatives for organizations like EducationPlus, ARCHS and Junior Achievement of San Diego. She received her master’s degree in communication from St. Louis University and a bachelor’s degree from Truman State University in communication and marketing. She also graduated from the Executive Leadership Academy at Emory University. Sherrie currently serves as a member of the Executive Board for ARCHs in St. Louis, Missouri. Along with her husband Bruce, she is Co-Chair of the Annual Silver Ball Gala benefiting the Arthritis Foundation of Greater St. Louis.


Deus forma auroram sine volucres mixta frigore. Formas persidaque praebebat pendebat. Caesa consistere vis fratrum suis locis! Silvas campoque terras coeptis homo rudis fronde.

Name and Title 1

Deus forma auroram sine volucres mixta frigore. Formas persidaque praebebat pendebat. Caesa consistere vis fratrum suis locis! Silvas campoque terras coeptis homo rudis fronde.

Name and Title 2

Deus forma auroram sine volucres mixta frigore. Formas persidaque praebebat pendebat. Caesa consistere vis fratrum suis locis! Silvas campoque terras coeptis homo rudis fronde.

Name and Title 3

Questions about getting started? Contact Sherrie to find out more.